Sunday, January 21, 2007

Stop putting up with Adultery

I have been thinking alot about adultery lately and I have come to certain conclusions:

1. Adultery is unforgiveable. Meaning you should let his cheating a&& go. If he gets caught cheating once either he has been cheating all along and/or he is more prone to doing it again.

1. Men cheat because the mistress has a better attitude than the wife/girlfriend. Hello, the wife is doing all the cooking, cleaning, and picking up after the man. She may not always be in the best of moods or ready to drop it like its hot all the damn time cuz she is too damn tired.

2. The mistress has a good deal. She has no wifely duties and doesnt have to deal with the toilet seat being left up, the toothpaste being squeezed from the middle of the tube, you get what I am saying etc, etc.

3.All is well until said husband is busted and she gets the beatdown of her life by the wife. and then the husband becomes her live in because the wife kicked his sorry, trifiling a&& out. Then he becomes her problem.

.4And just when the mistress thinks she has won the grand prize......the cycle continues.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

"I've said thousands of times I'm not God."

"I've said thousands of times I'm not God.", says the phony psychic Sylvia Browne. The author of over a dozen "psychic" materials (books, CDs, etc.) was proven wrong the other day. Her abilities failed her and now she is being blamed for the delay in the return of the missing child. Shame on you for falling for this nonsense. Now that she has admitted to not being GOD, maybe you lost souls out there will stop putting your faith and trust in the fallible, and hopefully you can actually save a few dollars to spend on something more worthwhile.

She told them boy was dead
Crystal ball fails psychic in Mo. kidnap


Montel Williams' psychic pal Sylvia Browne told the family of missing Shawn Hornbeck he was dead shortly after the Missouri boy vanished - and later allegedly offered to help locate his body for $700 per half hour.
The popular TV clairvoyant appeared on the "Montel Williams Show" in February 2003, four months after Shawn disappeared, and told Pam and Craig Akers she believed their son was "no longer with us."
She also advised that his body could be found in a wooded area 20 miles from their Richwoods, Mo., home, near two large jagged boulders.
Shawn, now 15, was found alive and well last Friday, living just miles away with a man now charged with snatching the boy when he was 11.
Browne's "vision" of his death caused search teams to redirect their efforts and drew dozens of calls from the public who believed they lived near the woods matching Browne's descriptions.
The family also claims the psychic then tried to cash in, which Browne vigorously denies.
"She called Pam and Craig about one month after the show and pretty much offered her services to continue their discussion for a fee," said Wayne Evans, a spokesman for the Shawn Hornbeck Foundation.
"Pam was that desperate that if she had had $700 in her bank account she would have put it on the table. We are talking about a mother who would have sold her soul to have her boy back."
"Everybody was angry," he added. "Sylvia Browne's name was never brought up again until Shawn was found. He's home now, and that's all that matters."
Browne, a regular guest on the "Montel" show, apologized for her misfire, exposed first by, a blog dedicated to tracking the psychic's every blunder.
"I'm terribly sorry that this happened," she told the Daily News. "But I think my body of work stands by itself. I've broken case after case."
"I think it's just cruel to jump on this one case in which I was wrong," she added defensively. "I've said thousands of times I'm not God."
She also denied ever offering her services to Shawn's family for cash.
"There's never been a case that I've ever charged for a missing child," Browne said. "I would never do that. Never, never."
A spokeswoman for Williams said the talk show host was taping more shows and unavailable for comment. Browne was his only guest on yesterday's show.
Michael Devlin, the 300-pound pizza parlor manager charged with kidnapping Shawn four years ago and a second boy just last week, is to be arraigned today in Missouri courtroom.
He is also under investigation for the disappearance of another boy, Charles Arlin Henderson, 16 years ago.

It seemed like a good idea.

I love the idea of a blog where I can just write about anything thats in my mind. Sometimes I just need to vent and dont necessarily vent out loud because that can get out of hand. But now I find that I want to talk about things that I cant necessarily put in the blog. Thats because I dont want people to recognize themselves in my blog. I guess its my fault for sharing the blog in the first place. But most of the stuff I want to write about is shareable. And I like sharing. But as for the other stuff that I want to say I guess the only solution to that is to write an anonymous blog.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Who Really Needs To Go???

I'm not saying Saddam Hussein didn't deserve what he got, but if you look at his record as a leader and humanitarian [Iraq was providing social services that were unprecedented among Middle Eastern countries. Saddam established the "National Campaign for the Eradication of Illiteracy" and the campaign for "Compulsory Free Education in Iraq,"...the government established universal free schooling up to the highest education levels; hundreds of thousands learned to read in the years following the initiation of the program. The government also supported families of soldiers, granted free hospitalization to everyone, and gave subsidies to farmers. Iraq created one of the most modernized public-health systems in the Middle East, earning Saddam an award from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization] you will begin to wonder why and who are we really fighting against. Do the research, you'll be surprised.

Omar al-Bashir, Sudan
Since February 2003, Bashir’s campaign of ethnic and religious persecution has killed at least 180,000 civilians in Darfur in western Sudan and driven 2 million people from their homes. The good news is that Bashir’s army and the Janjaweed militia that he supports have all but stopped burning down villages in Darfur. The bad news is why they’ve stopped: There are few villages left to burn. The attacks now are aimed at refugee camps. While the media have called these actions “a humanitarian tragedy,” Bashir himself has escaped major condemnation. In 2005, Bashir signed a peace agreement with the largest rebel group in non-Islamic southern Sudan and allowed its leader, John Garang, to become the nation’s vice president. But Garang died in July in a helicopter crash, and Bashir’s troops still occupy the south.

Kim Jong-il, North Korea
While the outside world focuses on Kim Jong-il’s nuclear weapons program, domestically he runs the world’s most tightly controlled society. North Korea continues to rank last in the index of press freedom compiled by Reporters Without Borders, and for the 34th straight year it earned the worst possible score on political rights and civil liberties from Freedom House. An estimated 250,000 people are confined in “reeducation camps.” Malnourishment is widespread: According to the United Nations World Food Program, the average 7-year-old boy in North Korea is almost 8 inches shorter than a South Korean boy the same age and more than 20 pounds lighter. His annual purchases of Hennessy's cognac reportedly total to $700,000, while the average North Korean earns the equivalent of $900 per year.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran
Ahmadinejad is an outspoken critic of the Bush administration, is supportive of strengthened relations with Russia, and has refused to stop the nuclear program of Iran against the wishes of the United Nations. He was widely condemned for his statements approving the notion that Israel "must be wiped off the map" and repeatedly describing the Holocaust as a "myth", although he has insisted that he is not antisemitic. Several former hostages from the American Embassy takeover of 1979 have named Ahmadinejad as being involved in the hostage crisis. Former hostage David Roeder in particular has been adamant about Ahmadinejad's role, saying that Ahmadinejad, in an effort to get him to talk, threatened to kidnap his son back in the USA. He said, that "the wave of the Islamic revolution" would soon "reach the entire world."

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Give me space PLEASE!

What the…

Have you ever gotten on an empty subway train, sit down, get comfortable and pull out and get into a book or newspaper article then slowly you notice your ass is cramped-the hell-up and you’re hardly able to turn a page! You were sitting on the train just as comfortable as you can possibly get until you reach your destination and some how the people getting on after you make themselves comfortable at your expense. HOW THE HELL DOES THAT HAPPEN? That’s get to me in the worst way. Do you mean I get so focused that I don’t notice the person trying to squeeze there ass into a small space? I might just have to stop reading on the train and check that shit for real. And don’t think for a moment it’s the big ass people alone either. The stupid ass nerds, lazy folks and tall men (who spread eagle when they sit down) do the shit also! I have to come up with a plan. TBC


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Dial 911 in case of emergency.

This is just the most ridiculous story. Did the nurse really feel that she had to speak to a principal in order to decide whether or not to call 911 for this child? What I want to know is who is this nurse? What school did she go to? Why did she think that she needed the principals permission? Not only should she and the principal be fired but they should face criminal charges. What they did was criminal. She should of used better judgement. She should of made the 911 call regardless of the principals rules. There was an emergency going on. She neglected the needs of a patient. The family should also get more than the 2 million dollars they are suing for. My condolences go out to the Martinez family.

New York Daily News -

911 breach in son death enrages dad BY JOSE MARTINEZ
Tuesday, January 9th, 2007
The father of an 11-year-old boy who died following an asthma attack at a Brooklyn school was disgusted to learn yesterday that all city schools are supposed to follow a rule that could have helped save his son's life.
Shawn Martinez sighed when told that in case of a medical emergency, school staffers are required to call 911 before trying to locate a principal.
As reported in the Daily News, Martinez has filed a $2 million lawsuit against the city, two nurses and their employer, alleging that nurses at Public School 20 in Clinton Hill didn't call 911 because they could not find the principal while his son, Shawn, suffered an asthma attack in February 2003.
"How can you just do the exact opposite of what you're supposed to do?" Martinez said.
According to Chancellor's Regulation A-412, school staffers must call 911 in a medical emergency and then find a principal, who should go to the scene with a "trained health professional."
"The principal should be contacted after 911 has been called, not the other way around," said David Cantor, a spokesman for the Education Department.
In sworn testimony, two nurses said they were barred from calling 911 without first alerting the principal, who is not identified by name in court papers.
According to Education Department records, the principal in 2003 was Brenda Williams-Jackson. A woman of the same name now heads an elementary school in Nassau County but did not return calls yesterday.
"I can understand the [Education Department] waking up now and going, 'That's an insane policy,'" said the family's attorney, David Dean, of the law firm Sullivan Papain. "But we know what the policy was at this school in February of 2003."
An official with the city's Law Department said the school "acted appropriately" in treating the ailing boy.
"We are confident that when all the facts come out, they will demonstrate that the city and the Department of Education acted appropriately," said Mark Palomino, chief of the agency's special litigation unit.
Shawn's mother, Gabrielle Walton, called 911 after picking the boy up from school and trying to treat him at home.
"He told me that he was going to die and he couldn't breathe," Walton said in a deposition. "I said, 'Shawnie, please don't die on me.'"
The boy was pronounced dead at St. Mary's Hospital just over two hours after he set foot in the school clinic.
"I just really, really, really do not want this to happen to anyone else," said Shawn Martinez. "I really would not wish this on anyone."
With Nicole Bode

Asthma is a leading cause of hospitalization for New York City childrenup to age 14.
Other facts:
17% of New York City children - about 300,000 kids - have asthma.
30% of kids in the South Bronx and central Brooklyn have asthma.
700,000 adults in the city have asthma.
Asthma is more common among women than men, and disproportionately affects Hispanics.
About 12% of children - 8.9 million kids - across the nation have asthma, less than the city's asthma rate for kids.

Source: N.Y.C. Department of Health and Mental Hygiene;National Center for Health Statistics

Monday, January 08, 2007

I love that I am employed

I love that I am employed and need to be so I can take care of my business. BUT I do not love some things that happen at my job. There are certain things that happen here that truly get on my nerves. And I know its not just limited to this spot but since its happening here, I would like to highlight a couple of things:

This just happened today:
People here normally take lunch between 12 to 1pm or between 1 to 2pm. This means unless its a dire emergency (and I dont work in a hospital) you shouldnt be f*cking with anybody during those hours. It really pisses me off to the highest level of pissetivity when I take lunch at my desk. Now today I am clearly on lunch cuz the sandwich is in my hand inches from my mouth. So Boss B*tch asks me for a report that she cant seem to print on her computer. That is not the time to ask me for no fucking report. What I wanted to say is BITCH, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME, CANT YOU SEE THAT I AM FUCKING EATING. So what that she is my boss and has the power to give me the big boot right in the crack of my a&&, but what the f*ck, am I not entitled to lunch? So what happens.....i can feel myself getting more and more agitated as she is speaking so I have to literally sit on my hand to keep from tapping. I get a napkin and cover my sandwich thats as big as a DAGWOOD and she wants to apologize and tell me I can get the report for her when I am done. No b*tch, we about to be done right now. Here is your f*cking report, now bounce.....And if eating at my desk means I can and will be disturbed then it needs to be added to my work manual. Otherwise step the f*ck off!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since I am already fuming, I might as well gripe about other sh*t:
The other day, me and a coworker were going back and forth snapping on each other. She likes to think that I am hooker cuz I am too fabulous for her range of understanding. Another coworker up in the mix overhears and gets a kick out of it. Later in the day, he proceeds to ask of me what time can he meet me under the bridge. Well, I must say that I had to let that little piece of sh*t know not to ever disrespect me like that again. I told him 'Dont fucking play with me like that. Thats between me and her' He apologized and all but what I dont get is what made him feel so comfortable in the first f*cking place. Step the f*ck off, mini you.

There is this older chick that works here who is ALWAYS up in the business. Everybody's business. This old b*tch was mad because I didnt attend the 100 years celebration. Well guess the eff what, Not only was I NOT interested in attending but I was at my desk busy working and I did not have time to listen to some unknown low budget group perform for the company. Granted I could hear them from my desk and they were kind of good, but not the good where I would run out and get a bootleg of their music. Anyways, she was peeved and so she suggested to the 2nd in command of the whole company that I should be fired. Boy, I tell you, some of these people here are so lucky that I need to be employed cuz if I didnt have any sense, I would of straight smacked that hoe in her mouth. How dare she! And when I took it to my boss, I kind of felt like he didnt have my back. That disrespectful b*tch is probably sucking everybody off the way she has pull around here.

I got myself all riled up and I havent even finished lunch.
To be continued...........

Thursday, January 04, 2007

My New Theme Song

Have you heard the song called 'Yesterday' by MaryMary? What an amazing song!!! The lyrics move me and fill me with the spirit. It is my new theme song for the rest of my days.

Yesterday by Mary Mary

I had enough heartache
and enough headaches
I've had so many ups and downs
Don't know how much more i can take
See i decided
that i cried my last tear yesterday

Either i'm going to trust you
or i may as well walk away
'cause stressing don't make it better
Don't make it better, no way
See i decided
that i cried my last tear yesterday

i decided to put my trust in you
I realized
that you will being me through
There ain't nothing to hard for my god, no
Any problems that i have
He's greater greater than them all,
I decided that i cried my last tear

I decided that I am gonna put my trust in you
I realized that you would bring me through

There aint nothing too hard for my God
any problems thay I have he is greater than them all
so I decided that I cried my last tear yesterday