Sunday, July 08, 2007

My only regret is that I did not send this out to all the employees.

Although I did submit this letter to HR on the day of my departure, my only regret is that I was not bold enough to send to all in an email. That would of really made my day. Oh well, what is done is done. I will just have to be satisfied with giving this to HR.


To: Human Resources Lady

From: Me

Re: Resignation

Date: June 11, 2007

I have been advised by many that it is not worth explaining why I have made the decision to leave the ***. I have thought about whether or not this is the right thing to do. I feel that it might be in the best interest of future employees of the *** if I write my experience. Hopefully these incidents will not be repeated and employees can be happy working here.

Up until the incident that occurred with RS, I felt that Human Resources was unapproachable. I wish I had known that was not the case because that might have prevented me from resigning.

During the 200th year anniversary celebration, because of the amount of work, I chose not to attend and stayed at my desk and did my work. RB was aware of this. Because of my lack of attendance to hear the band play, JK told JB that I should be fired. She made this comment within earshot of several people. I brought this to the attention of RB. I told him that I felt she had no place to worry about whether or not I was there. He told me that she did because she worked in EXO. My response to him was that if she were so concerned she should have come to me directly or she should have spoke to my immediate supervisor. He said he would talk to her.
This incident should have never taken place. JK is unprofessional and she should have never made those inappropriate comments. As to whether or not RB did in fact speak to her, I do not know. This matter was never discussed further.

After Esso resigned a replacement was never found. I have continually said to KW and to RB that this job needs to be done by one full-time person and one part-time person, at the least. For whatever reason, the decision was made for me to do this job by myself with the partial assistance of whoever was the assistant. That was not a good decision based on the amount of work. All the work that I do has deadlines: The reconciliation and distribution of monies needs to be done monthly. The acknowledgement of the donors has to be done weekly. The sorting and distributing of the checks to *** has to be done bi-weekly. The in-house processing of the checks has to be done weekly. The transferring of data from *** into *** has to be done weekly. The acknowledgment of all gifts has to be done weekly. Responding to callers and email has to be done daily. The volume of all work increases during the months of September to January. It is unreasonable to think that this can be done in a timely basis by one person. Although, KW say that she did not know that I needed help, that is entirely false. We, along with RB had a discussion about the increase of work during that time.

When RB gave me my review in the summer of 2006, I discussed with him a title change. He said that we would discuss this further and see how “we” could add further responsibilities to what I already had. Less than two weeks after this review and discussion, I found out by email that RB was going to be the new Vice President of the Data Center. I concluded that during my review he must have known about this. This showed a complete lack of respect for me. At the least he should have told me that it would be KW's responsibility for considering a title change and promotion.

I have trained numerous people to be able to work with me: Including KRM, IT, SO, AH, CT(temp), GM(temp), LJ(temp), and numerous other temps. I have managed all the temps that have worked with me and I have assisted several people in the use of ***Yet this has not been enough evidence to support why I should be a manager.

As you already know, there was an incident with RS. This is what finally brought me to my conclusion that I must resign from the ***.
I felt that he was very disrespectful. KW was extremely unsupportive and concluded that RS was “just doing his job”. I was first insulted by RS with his comment “What prevents you from taking the money?” and insulted again by KW's lack of support. Although I did receive support from Human Resources, I find that I can no longer continue working in this hostile environment.

To add insult to injury, I have learned from KW, that when I leave, I will be replaced by two people. I feel like I have been slaved without compensation. Had I known that this would be the outcome, I would have resigned sooner.

Also, it isn’t enough that I am leaving RS and JK continue to indirectly harass me. They have been questioning staff about my departure. They are concerned with any parties I am having. This is totally uncalled for. I cannot believe that these incidents continue to occur here. I am curious if the incidents between RS and JK can amount to a lawsuit. It is outrageous how they carry on.

With that said, I had no other choice but to resign from the ***. It is not clear that things will ever change here and I cannot and will not be a part of that.

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