Monday, January 08, 2007

I love that I am employed

I love that I am employed and need to be so I can take care of my business. BUT I do not love some things that happen at my job. There are certain things that happen here that truly get on my nerves. And I know its not just limited to this spot but since its happening here, I would like to highlight a couple of things:

This just happened today:
People here normally take lunch between 12 to 1pm or between 1 to 2pm. This means unless its a dire emergency (and I dont work in a hospital) you shouldnt be f*cking with anybody during those hours. It really pisses me off to the highest level of pissetivity when I take lunch at my desk. Now today I am clearly on lunch cuz the sandwich is in my hand inches from my mouth. So Boss B*tch asks me for a report that she cant seem to print on her computer. That is not the time to ask me for no fucking report. What I wanted to say is BITCH, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME, CANT YOU SEE THAT I AM FUCKING EATING. So what that she is my boss and has the power to give me the big boot right in the crack of my a&&, but what the f*ck, am I not entitled to lunch? So what happens.....i can feel myself getting more and more agitated as she is speaking so I have to literally sit on my hand to keep from tapping. I get a napkin and cover my sandwich thats as big as a DAGWOOD and she wants to apologize and tell me I can get the report for her when I am done. No b*tch, we about to be done right now. Here is your f*cking report, now bounce.....And if eating at my desk means I can and will be disturbed then it needs to be added to my work manual. Otherwise step the f*ck off!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since I am already fuming, I might as well gripe about other sh*t:
The other day, me and a coworker were going back and forth snapping on each other. She likes to think that I am hooker cuz I am too fabulous for her range of understanding. Another coworker up in the mix overhears and gets a kick out of it. Later in the day, he proceeds to ask of me what time can he meet me under the bridge. Well, I must say that I had to let that little piece of sh*t know not to ever disrespect me like that again. I told him 'Dont fucking play with me like that. Thats between me and her' He apologized and all but what I dont get is what made him feel so comfortable in the first f*cking place. Step the f*ck off, mini you.

There is this older chick that works here who is ALWAYS up in the business. Everybody's business. This old b*tch was mad because I didnt attend the 100 years celebration. Well guess the eff what, Not only was I NOT interested in attending but I was at my desk busy working and I did not have time to listen to some unknown low budget group perform for the company. Granted I could hear them from my desk and they were kind of good, but not the good where I would run out and get a bootleg of their music. Anyways, she was peeved and so she suggested to the 2nd in command of the whole company that I should be fired. Boy, I tell you, some of these people here are so lucky that I need to be employed cuz if I didnt have any sense, I would of straight smacked that hoe in her mouth. How dare she! And when I took it to my boss, I kind of felt like he didnt have my back. That disrespectful b*tch is probably sucking everybody off the way she has pull around here.

I got myself all riled up and I havent even finished lunch.
To be continued...........


Anonymous said...

Tisk, Tisk, Tisk,
I found this RAMBLING to be slightly interesting to read. Since I was taking a break from my busy work day to rest sore eyes, I decided to humor myself and read the entire story.

You see I happen to work at the same company with this person. I was there and heard the rage and loud spat between the woman and her boss lady. At the end of the story I felt sadden. This woman seems to have anger management problems. Yes, I agree that when your on lunch people should respect that. I would get annoyed also. Is there a way to handle that without the screaming and yelling. Yes, all of this could have been avoided if (lets call her Mrs. Thang) would have simply said, "I hear you however, right now I'm in the middle of my lunch and I will gladly print that report for you and bring it to you as soon as I'm done or is this something that you need right away because someone is going to die over it." Ok then, you'll get that report in about an hour(smiling)."

Everyone's happy.

Next, the scene with the young, boy from the mailroom was awful. After Mrs. Thank yelled and screamed at him at the top of her lungs. He fell to his knees and apologized for joking. Never once, did Mrs. Thang hear him because she continued to scream murder. The cops came, he lost his job and she screamed over at me "what the F are you looking at!" I simply smiled, and said may God be with you child. You are one sick cookie!

I love that I am employed also, but sometimes you have to wonder what makes you stay at a company with all the NUTS the hire. I just remember that I have to pay my bills, and if need be I will put my foot in Mrs. Thangs Ass if I have to.

So Mrs. Thang, Pllleaaaseee stop stressing the small stuff, smile more and don't hate the TRUTH!

Signed, you co-worker from Under the Bridge!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, So I tried to let you guys understand that sometimes companies do hire NUTS (i.e. Mrs. Thang).

After all that rambling nonsense she dished out yesterday, o'l girl had the audacity to sit down and have a hole chat today with the same woman that she cursed out yesterday. I mean I was amazed at the giggling and laughing and hee, hee, heeing (YUCK!!) it made me sick.

What the hell happend! Mrs. "Don't you see me eating lunch Bitch!!!" See Mrs. Thang is straight NUTS and I unfortunatley have to sit nearby and deal with it. Heavens forbid that she slips her a** up and flips on me when I won't lend her a pen or pencil or paper.

You will never be reading about her ramblings on again. Believe that! And remeber they fired that poor kid who takes care of his grandmother and keep this NUT. TBC

Anonymous said...

Hey, See how speaking out can help somebody. I just wanted to share a short letter that I got from someone who read the story.

Dear Lady from the bridge,

I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story about dealing with nutty co-workers. I have one here at my office and for years now she screams at people, has fits and demands attention. Of course, we have never had a run it but that doesn't mean it's right. So I decided to walk over to her crazy ass and light her up!!! Needlesstosay, it's been one week and no one has heard a word from her. Well I guess the real test will be when she gets her jaw out of that sling. But for now the office is at peace. Thank you Lady from the bridge. Your nut well get hers one day also.


Hadenough! Queens, NYC

Now how special was that. See there is hope, hope that Mrs. Thang does try to go off so that I could put her ass in a sling!