Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Give me space PLEASE!

What the…

Have you ever gotten on an empty subway train, sit down, get comfortable and pull out and get into a book or newspaper article then slowly you notice your ass is cramped-the hell-up and you’re hardly able to turn a page! You were sitting on the train just as comfortable as you can possibly get until you reach your destination and some how the people getting on after you make themselves comfortable at your expense. HOW THE HELL DOES THAT HAPPEN? That’s get to me in the worst way. Do you mean I get so focused that I don’t notice the person trying to squeeze there ass into a small space? I might just have to stop reading on the train and check that shit for real. And don’t think for a moment it’s the big ass people alone either. The stupid ass nerds, lazy folks and tall men (who spread eagle when they sit down) do the shit also! I have to come up with a plan. TBC



Anonymous said...

You messed up when you tried to get comfortable. If you want to be comfortable take a cab!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't thank you with a large bag of nickels knocked on your head for your comment. I see you like blogging about nothing. Didn't your mother ever tell you if you have nothing good to say, save it for your last dieing breath because someone might just listen to you A** just then and save you. But for now, please spare me with your nonsense.