Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sandal NO-NO!!!

Mine are the fabulous toes, making their first blog appearance!! --Noelle

The picture on the top is how its supposed to be done.
The picture on the bottom is a huge-massive NO-NO, actually its worse than that--it's a HELL FUC&%ing NO!!!!! Who seriously walks out the house like this? And WHY? C'mon for years there has been some email circulating about how you should fix your toes before the summer gets here. All the do's and dont's about your exposed feet. Apparently, the wrong people have been getting this email because there are tons and tons of women who for some reason or other feel its okay to come out the house with jacked up toes. And I am not talking about things that can't be helped, but I am talking about things that can be helped--like for starters--LOTION. Lotion is your friend--people!!!!!!!! You can help raggedy nails on your toes, use a file, chipped toe-nails (if you dont have the time, use clear nail polish), etc, etc. You get the picture.
Why should we have to be subjected to this. Its upsetting and absolutely nauseating to see.
Fu&%ed up toes ruin a good sandal. Truth be told, it ruins a womens look. And you have to wonder, if she is not taking care of her toes, what else is she neglecting on her body. If women are going to come out of the house with unpainted toes, half-painted toes, unfiled toes, ashy feet, etc. then they should have the common decency to put them bad boys in sneakers. Stop unnecesarily torturing me. --Noelle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alexandrathebest said...
Women with crusty toes should be shot...How dare these women think that they can pull it off....I hate 2 see chip nail polish...Pedicures are like $15 bucks nowadays go get one...It unfair 4 people 2 look a digusting feet it hurts the eye...I love my pretty toes...dammit...