Monday, August 07, 2006

" is appointed unto men once to die..."

I found out today that a friend of mine, Charles Vo, was killed this past Saturday in Virginia while his family watched. He wasn't a best friend, childhood friend or long time friend. Nonetheless, he was a good friend and I will miss him. I met him while working in DC. I knew him for about three years and over that time I appreciated seeing and talking to him. He talked of retiring soon and going to his native home. I am deeply saddened by his death. And my prayers go out to his family.

He is not the first person that I was close to who died and I am sure that he is not the last. I thought about the same thing I always think about when someone I know passes away into the next life. Of course I prayed for GOD to care for his spirit and to comfort his family. What always comes to mind immediately after I pray is "did he get to say I love you one last time".

Tomorrow is promised to no one, as we all should know. Why do we wait until someone dies to say nice things about them? Or regret not having an opportunity to apologize? Death should be a celebration of how one lived and the impact they had on our lives and this world, not a time for regret. Tell your friends and loved ones that you love them, are proud of them, are glad that they are in your lives, OFTEN, for tomorrow is promised to no one. I know the pain of regret, not being able to say I love you one last time. Going to bed angry and waking up the next day to never see that person alive again, to talk with them or give them a hug/kiss. That is a pain you live with forever. If you haven't experienced these feelings, you probably know someone who has and I pray that you never have to experience them yourselves. I am also sure that you have heard these words before, in some form or another. I tell them to you again, we learn by repitition and our experiences. So I share my experience and repeat these words in the hope that it will sink into your gray matter and stick, so that we all make the appropriate changes to our lives and not relive the history of so many others.

Today I continue on my journey to living a life minus the regret and full of joy and peace. I will start and I hope you follow: I AM SORRY, I FORGIVE YOU, I AM PROUD OF YOU AND YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS, I AM PRIVILEGED TO HAVE YOU AS A FRIEND, I AM BLESSED TO HAVE YOU IN MY LIFE, YOU ARE SPECIAL TO ME, I LOVE YOU NOW AND FOREVERMORE.

I ask you to pray for Charles Vo and his family(please pray for them especially, they need your prayers during their tribulation). Pray for your family and yourselves. I pray that the Almighty GOD will bless and keep you and yours, now and forevermore.


Noelle said...

This brought tears to my eyes. I said a prayer for Mr. Vo's family last night. I hope they continue to have faith and find comfort in GOD and never lose hope.

Anonymous said...

this was such a beautiful but sad post... its a shame that in this day and age we need to be reminded of just how precious life is and that it is a gift.

i will pray for Mr. Vo and his family.