Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Memory I Would Like to Erase.

Today is one of the saddest days. It's September 11 and although it has been six years, I try not to remember. Although I was not directly affected, the memory of the Twin Towers coming down brings tears to my eyes and I feel a weight on my heart. You would think that after six years I would forget, but it is just that I do not want to remember.

May God bless all those directly and indirectly affected by the collapse of the Twins. May God bless the Firefighters, Police Officers, EMS workers, and volunteers who put their lives on the line to save and/or help others. May God bless the servicemen and women who are still fighting for who knows what reason. May God bless us all.
Ever since September 11, 2001 I have not worked on that day. I was off on that day because I was taking the kids to the doctor. Then every year after that I just could not bring myself to work because it just felt like a day of mourning. I would always watch the news and memorials, and the reading of the names, and I would cry. As the years have gone by, it has become unbearable. I cannot bear to watch any more memorials. I do not want to watch any more movies. I wish the impossible. I wish this day would never have happened. It is the one memory I would like to erase.

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