Friday, February 09, 2007

Valentine's Day

I used to love Valentine's day. It was a day where I would rate how much someone loved me by how much they spent or what they bought me or what they planned for the day. And I have had some memorable Valentines.

One of the most special Valentine's of all was with a different love (Jermaine aka "Maine Love"). He was still in High school, and 17 years old and I was about 21. Some might call this cradle robbing. But I beg to differ because he knew how to treat me right. Anyways, he invited me to his house for V-Day. When I got there, he was dressed in a suit and tie. The house was decorated with balloons and candles and he had cooked for me. 17 and he cooked for me. All I remember about the dinner was that there was cornish hens. Fabulous. I think that was the best Valentines I have ever had. Wow. It was nice. I felt special. And it was definitely unexpected.

Anyways back to the subject. I used to love V-Day, and with good reason. But as I have gotten older and have put more thought into it, I realize that love should not be celebrated on one day of the year. Love should be celebrated every day. Not everyone is loved and if someone is loving you and making you feel love then embrace that every day. Don't wait until V-day to send some dead a$$ flowers to the one you claim you love. Don't wait until V-day to go out to dinner. Don't wait until V-day to give a card. Don't wait until V-day to make someone feel special. Don't wait for V-day to show your love. Stop waiting for V-day.

Love and appreciate the one your with all the time. Not just on Valentine's because Valentine's day may never come.

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