Thursday, February 08, 2007


A co-worker of mine asked me to sign a petition to stop people from eating lunch at their desk. I said no thank you and she got up set. When I asked her for her reasons for doing this she replied that she can't take the smell of other peoples food (all the while her luch is exposed on her desk). I told her that some of us work through our lunch and on a day when it's 8 degrees outside why shouldn't people be able to return to there desk to have their lunch. She then went on to say that we have a cafateria for people to have luch (keep in mind I said co-worker). She then stomps off to ask the girl next door to me they same foolish question about her petition. She even had the nerve to pick up her banana and eat it while explaining her reason to the girl. When she tells her no she tells us that she will make sure she brings this up to the Executive office to have eating at your desk stopped. I personally hope she does go to them so that they will see what a fool she is and put her desk in the janitors room so that she will never have to smell other peoples lunch again. Will the madness ever stop!!! Let's see...TBC

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It wasnt the smell of other people's food. It was the smell of your food. For a minute there I thought I worked in a Spanish Restaurant.

Further more, I have taken this up with EXO. They liked your suggestion of moving to the janitors room. I hope you like your new space.

Maybe you should learn some consideration before getting all huffy and indignant.

When you learn to behave you can have your desk back!!!!!!!!!!!!