Friday, February 09, 2007

Valentine's Day

I used to love Valentine's day. It was a day where I would rate how much someone loved me by how much they spent or what they bought me or what they planned for the day. And I have had some memorable Valentines.

One of the most special Valentine's of all was with a different love (Jermaine aka "Maine Love"). He was still in High school, and 17 years old and I was about 21. Some might call this cradle robbing. But I beg to differ because he knew how to treat me right. Anyways, he invited me to his house for V-Day. When I got there, he was dressed in a suit and tie. The house was decorated with balloons and candles and he had cooked for me. 17 and he cooked for me. All I remember about the dinner was that there was cornish hens. Fabulous. I think that was the best Valentines I have ever had. Wow. It was nice. I felt special. And it was definitely unexpected.

Anyways back to the subject. I used to love V-Day, and with good reason. But as I have gotten older and have put more thought into it, I realize that love should not be celebrated on one day of the year. Love should be celebrated every day. Not everyone is loved and if someone is loving you and making you feel love then embrace that every day. Don't wait until V-day to send some dead a$$ flowers to the one you claim you love. Don't wait until V-day to go out to dinner. Don't wait until V-day to give a card. Don't wait until V-day to make someone feel special. Don't wait for V-day to show your love. Stop waiting for V-day.

Love and appreciate the one your with all the time. Not just on Valentine's because Valentine's day may never come.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


A co-worker of mine asked me to sign a petition to stop people from eating lunch at their desk. I said no thank you and she got up set. When I asked her for her reasons for doing this she replied that she can't take the smell of other peoples food (all the while her luch is exposed on her desk). I told her that some of us work through our lunch and on a day when it's 8 degrees outside why shouldn't people be able to return to there desk to have their lunch. She then went on to say that we have a cafateria for people to have luch (keep in mind I said co-worker). She then stomps off to ask the girl next door to me they same foolish question about her petition. She even had the nerve to pick up her banana and eat it while explaining her reason to the girl. When she tells her no she tells us that she will make sure she brings this up to the Executive office to have eating at your desk stopped. I personally hope she does go to them so that they will see what a fool she is and put her desk in the janitors room so that she will never have to smell other peoples lunch again. Will the madness ever stop!!! Let's see...TBC

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Iraq War is no WWII, more like 'Nam

"December 7th, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy..." This speech was given to a joint session of Congress on the very next day of the Pearl Harbor attack. US casualties were heavy and included 2,403 dead; 1,178 wounded and President Roosevelt asked for a declaration of war and so the United States enters WWII. Fast forward to September 11th, 2001 (referred to as 9/11—pronounced "nine eleven") almost sixty years later. The casualties, similar; There were 2,973 fatalities with an additional 24 people remaining listed as missing. Approximately one month after the attacks, the United States led a broad coalition of international forces in the removal of the Taliban regime for harboring the al-Qeada organization. And now a little further into the future, we have the invasion of Iraq on March 20th, 2003. Which was sold partly as crucial to the successful resolution to the 9/11 attacks, which we now know that Saddam & Iraq had no part in. An invasion which has led to asymmetric warfare with the "Iraqi insurgency" and civil war between the Shiite and Sunni muslims, 3,080 US service members dead & 22,834 wounded in action (don't forget the civilian contractors and coalition forces, they have casualties also), 54,432 to 60,098 civilian deaths (according to the Iraq Body Count project as of January 24th, 2007), and this is all costing the American taxpayer over $360 billion as of January 22, 2007. There was something noble and honorable about WWII, an actual cause. Even the war against the Taliban and al-Qeada had meaning to it. Oh, but here is the Iraq war, a modern day Vietnam (in terms of the mighty US military machine getting it's butt kicked), guzzling on our financial resources and claiming thousands (who knows where the number stops) of lives - of our own children and of those who we are supposed to be liberating. With this war there will be no parades, ticker-tape, or even a memorable photograph for our troops returning home, just post traumatic stress, lack of a limb(s), and no support from their own government...just like Vietnam.

Poverty in America

This is all too common in this country, the poor are relegated to a spot on 20/20, 60 Minutes, or a simple blog. Regardless, they are still poor and not getting the help their country so easily and quickly distributes to other nations. Now there is nothing wrong with helping out others, but you have to wonder why the richest nation in the world has citizens who are starving for no good reason. The litte boy in the picture is not alone when it comes to not knowing about the concept of lunch or dinner, there is something seriously wrong with that. I want to scream because I don't know where to begin to help, but I hope that by posting blogs like this and talking to others, I will be enlightened as to what actions to take and you the reader will feel compassion to help.

Camden has been named America's most dangerous city twice by City Crime Rankings, an annual reference book. During the 2005 Christmas holidays, there were four slayings in 48 hours, all too characteristic of a place with a murder rate more than seven times the national average.
"Do you know your threes?" asked the school district supervisor. Ivan easily counted the three wheels on the tricycle, but he was stumped when asked how many meals you are supposed to eat in a day. (The following link will direct you to the abcnews video)