Friday, November 03, 2006


Atlanta, GA ( - In 1994, Attorney Roy Miller became the first and only person to succeed at having the n-word deleted from a major dictionary. Part of his argument has been that, if we have any respect at all for our ancestors, Black adults should be ashamed to call their Black babies and children the n-word. He comments, "We give away the same respect that cost so many lives and cost so much pain. How is it that we can give away so easily, something that we never had to earn? At its worse, the n-word is the ultimate insult against Blacks. It is simply profanity. Whether being used in a musical way, a degrading way, a comical way or an evil way, profanity is still profanity. Profanity should never be acceptable language usage for children. Eliminating the n-word from adult usage may be next to impossible; however, we can reduce the impact that this profanity has on children."
Attorney Miller is asking for help. He asks that all Black Fraternities, Sororities and all other Black organizations issue a Resolution stating that their members will discourage use of the n-word against a child or to describe a child. Attorney Miller is requesting that all such Resolutions show the date of August 1, 2006, so that the accomplishment will reflect an act of unity. Every organization that issues a Resolution will receive an official Certificate of Appreciation.
Miller says, "Zero tolerance towards being disrespected must be established in the Black community and it must start with Blacks respecting Black children. How can our babies be children of God and n-words at the same time? Does not such reference to the child also refer to the father? What does God think?"
Attorney Miller is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. He is asking his fraternity members, as well as, all other Black Fraternities, Sororities and all other Black organization members to please forward this article and write letters of support to their organizations. Attorney Miller believes that there are those who live by the motto: If it doesn't reach the heart, it really doesn't matter.
"Let's show heart. Remember the mustard seed," he concludes.
Attorney Miller may be contacted at 1401 Peachtree Street, Suite 500, Atlanta, GA 30309. Telephone: (478) 745-2402. E-mail:

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