Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Is it his day or mine.

I have two beautiful baby boys. Baby Number#1 and Baby Number#2. Yesterday was Baby Number #1's birthday.

Baby number one is technically not a baby anymore, he is 17 years old. Wow. I thank GOD that he has so far been blessed with 17 years of life and I also thank GOD for being able to witness it. I am so proud of him. He is a great student, a good son, and a great person. I pray to that GOD continues to bless him all of his life.

Yesterday we celebrated by having breakfast together. Just him and I. Its a tradition. Then we went shopping. We capped it off by going to dinner with his brother and my partner. It was a great day.

This brings me to this thought: Was it his day or mine? For nine months, life was growing in my body. I formed an attachment and a bond with my son even before he was born. I nourished him and cared for him. Then 17 years ago, my water broke and I had labor pains. I had to push. I did all the work. So is it really his day. We celebrate the day he was born but we should actually celebrate me giving him life. It was hard work being pregnant and going through labor.
It was all worth it though because my son is FABULOUS and I love him forever unconditionally for the rest of my life. And he will always be my baby.